Liu Hui
C. Cullen (2002). Learning from Liu Hui? A different way to do mathematics, Notices Amer. Math. Soc. 49, 783-790.

Karine Chemla (2005). Geometrical Figures and Generality in Ancient China and Beyond, Liu Hui and Zhao Shuang, Plato and Thabit ibn Qurra. Science in Context, 18, pp. 123-166.
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Alpay Özdural (1995). Omar Khayyam, Mathematicians, and “conversazioni” with Artisans. Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Vol. 54, No. 1, pp. 54-71.

Bhaskara Acharya II
Bhaskara Acharya II (1150). Lilavati. Algebra, with Arithmetic and Mensuration from the Sanscrit of Brahmegupta and Bháscara, English translation by Henry Thomas Colebrooke (1817). London: John Murray.
Bibhutibhusan Datta & Avadhesh Narayan Singh. History of Hindu Mathematics. Combined edition of Parts I (1935) and II (1938). Bombay: Asia Publishing House, 1962.

Abu Bakr al-Khalil al-Tajir al-Rasadi
Alpay Özdural (2000). Mathematics and Arts: Connections between Theory and Practice in the Medieval Islamic World. Historia Mathematica, Volume 27, Issue 2, pp. 171-201.

Alpay Özdural (1996). On Interlocking Similar or Corresponding Figures and Ornamental Patterns of Cubic Equations. Muqarnas vol. 13, pp. 191-211.
Alpay Özdural (1998). A Mathematical Sonata for Architecture: Omar Khayyam and the Friday Mosque of Isfahan. Technology and Culture vol. 39, pp. 699-715.
Alpay Özdural (2002). The Use of Cubic Equations in Islamic Art and Architecture, in Nexus IV: Architecture and Mathematics, edited by José Francisco Rodrigues and Kim Williams. Turin, Italy: Kim Williams Books.
Jean-Étienne Montucla
Jean-Étienne Montucla (1778). Re-edited Jacques Ozanam (1640-1717) Récréations mathématiques, Tome 1 (1694), p. 297 Pl.15.
Emile Fourrey (1910). Curiosités Géométriques pp. 117-125.

Philip Kelland
Philip Kelland (1855). On superposition. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 21, 271-3 and plate V.
Philip Kelland's solution (1882). Knowledge: a monthly record of science. Vol.1 (13 Jan p.229 item 184, 3 mars p.380), Wyman and sons.
Paul Busschop
Paul Busschop (1873). Reproduced in Catalan Géométrie Elémentaire, 5th ed. Paris: Dunod. See p. 194.
Paul Busschop (1875). Problème de Géométrie. Nouvelle Correspondance Mathématiques. Vol ii, p. 83.
Colonnel de Coatpont
M. De Coatpont, colonnel du Génie à Rennes (1877). Sur un problème de M. Busschop. Nouvelle Correspondance Mathématique 3, 116-17.
Walter William Rouse Ball (1892). Mathematical Recreations and Essays. p. 258.

Edouard Lucas
Lucas, Edouard (1883). Récréations Mathématiques, Volume 2. Paris: Gauthier-Villars. Second of four volumes. Second edition (1893) reprinted by Blanchard in 1960. See pp.151 and 152 in Volume 2 of this edition. Available online (pp. 145-147).

Henry Perigal
Henry Perigal (1875). On Geometric Dissections and Transformations, in the Messenger of Mathematics, No. 19, 1875.

Henry Perigal (1891). Geometric Dissections and Transpositions. London: Bell & Sons. Association for the Improvement of Geometrical Teaching, later renamed Mathematical Association.

L. J. Rogers (1897). Biography of Henry Perigal in appendix of On certain Regular Polygons in Modular Network. Proceedings London Mathematical Society. Volume s1-29, pp. 732-735.

Biography en ligne par Bill Casselman.

Henry Ernest Dudeney
Henry Ernest Dudeney (April 8, 1900). Puzzles and prizes. The Three Squares Puzzles, Column in Dispatch.
Henry Ernest Dudeney dit le "Sphinx" (1908). The Canterbury Puzzles and other curious problems. New York: E. P. Dutton and Co.

Sam Loyd's
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David Singmaster
David Singmaster (1995). Sources in Recreational Mathematics: An Annotated Bibliography. London: South Bank University. 7th preliminary edition. See Chapter 6.AS.3 of the online list.

Math’s journals
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Nobuyuki Yoshigahara
Yoshigahara, Nobuyuki (2004). Puzzles 101: a puzzlemaste's challenge. “Three Times More”. A.K. Peters, puzzle #8 p.6, two solutions p.70.

Greg N. Frederickson     
Frederickson, Greg (1997) Dissections: Plane & Fancy. Cambridge University Press.

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